We’re not interested in machine politics.

I’m Mitchell Esslinger, and I’m running to represent the working families of this district, fight for high-quality healthcare and public schools, bring economic development to central Illinois, and protect our civil liberties.


Born in Champaign and raised in Strasburg, Illinois, Mitchell attended Stewardson-Strasburg High School, Lake Land College, and the University of Illinois.

At the University of Illinois, he worked with local law enforcement to protect student safety. As a renovator, Mitchell started at the early age of 12 working for his family’s rental properties. As a tutor, he saw the importance of giving our schools what they need to help our children succeed.

He keeps busy with his family’s centennial farm and helping care for a family friend’s autistic son. In doing so, he has seen how families struggle to get the care they need and decided to change that for hard-working people in our district. In his free time, Mitchell enjoys fishing, traveling, skiing, and volunteering with organizations like the Arthur Rotary Club.

Mitchell has been interested in politics from a young age as he saw how lawmakers’ choices affected his family and community, from issues relating to his family’s farm to issues that affected his friends and family members with disabilities. He is the precinct committeeman of the Democratic Party of Shelby County for his township, and he has also volunteered for multiple presidential campaigns as a delegate and field organizer.

With your help, I can take my fight to Springfield and bring home common sense solutions to the hard-working families in our district. In these unprecedented times, we need leaders who will advocate for responsible solutions. I promise to represent you, the hard-working Americans of District 102, with ethics, transparency, honesty, and responsibility. Can Brad Halbrook say the same?

Quality Public Schools - Transition to Renewable Energy - Prioritize Rural Health Clinics - Protect Jobs & Living Wages - Guard Civil Liberties